Benefits of Sleeping on Your Back

Are you a side sleeper who curls into a ball or someone who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? According to the experts, there is one sleeping position that is superior to the rest – sleeping on your back. Continue reading to learn more about how this position may help resolve your…
Can Lack of Sleep Lead to Concussion-Like Symptoms?

Over the past years, there has been a significant increase in concussion awareness as well as many new protocols put into place to protect student athletes, military personnel and anyone who engages in risky behaviors, such as the riders at the track at Skyline MX Park. While identifying a concussion after an injury is important,…
The Consequences of Too Little Sleep

You’ve probably heard that seven to eight hours of sleep every night is important for your overall health, but if you’re like many people in Boise, you haven’t taken this advice too seriously. Why hit the hay when there is so much to do on your smartphone or tablet, or there’s a new series on…
Sleep Apnea & Hearing Loss

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder in Boise. It can lead to a number of serious health complications, increasing your risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Another lesser-known side effect is hearing loss. What is Sleep Apnea? There are a few different types of sleep apnea, but obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most…
Should You See an ENT Doctor for Your Snoring Problem?

Do you know the differences between when snoring is just an occasional annoyance and when it’s a potential health problem? Knowing the symptoms of sleep apnea can help you decide whether to schedule a visit with an ENT doctor. Here’s what you should know about snoring. The Most Common Causes of Snoring Nearly 90% of…
Tired All The Time? Maybe You Have Sleep Apnea

We all identify with being tired; maybe you didn’t go to sleep early enough, maybe you’re stressed, maybe work was especially taxing, but sometimes it isn’t just a normal fatigue or sleepiness. So how do you tell if your seemingly constant tiredness is due to your busy schedule, or a sleep problem? Could you have…
Don’t Let Sleep Apnea Weaken Your Health

Every night we go to bed hoping to reenergize and wake up ready for the next day. Restless sleep or our partner waking us to stop our snoring will ruin that hope, and we can start to feel defeated. If your bedtime ritual is more tiresome than relaxing, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea…
4 Surgical Procedures That Can Treat Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the continual interruption of breathing during sleep. A person with sleep apnea can stop breathing hundreds of times a night. Repeated interrupted breathing can lead to the brain lacking oxygen. Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but males, those overweight, and people over 40 are more at risk….
The Path to a Good Night’s Sleep

A restorative night of sleep is something everybody wants. If you find yourself unable to figure out why you are tired and feel sleep deprived it may be time to see an ear throat and nose specialist. A specialist will be able to diagnosis you with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing…
Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Do you remember watching cartoons when you were a child? Although we likely didn’t appreciate it back then, cartoons worked hard to show that an action was taking place in an animated world. For example, how did we used to know that a cartoon character was sleeping? The action of “sleeping” was conveyed using those…